Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

The Forgettable When Organizing a Kitchen

Kitchen is the place place you will prepare the food for the family. You need to be comfortable in your kitchen. Speaking about the arrangement of the kitchen never ends. This area is often overlooked, but is at the heart of life of residents. Various methods have been undertaken so that the kitchen is no longer a place untouched  by beauty. Not only consider the beauty, safety and convenience factor also plays an important role to organize the kitchen. But can not be denied, there are still things that go unnoticed because they are trivial but also play a role to make the kitchen more comfortable, such as:
The Forgettable When Organizing a Kitchen
1. If there is a window in the kitchen, put the sink under it so that when you wash you can be "entertained" with the scenery outside the window.

2. Do not place electronic equipment in the corner of the kitchen's table because it can inhibit the heat to not go out. Make sure that ventilation have an adequate air and light to create a healthy kitchen, since this area has a high level of humidity so as to facilitate the emergence of the fungus. But some may find the kitchen just like a closed-box, without opening a window is enough. The air be hot and uncomfortable to enjoy the process of cooking. To get around this, install an exhaust fan can be selected to help repel moisture.

3. Do not place the stove under a window with curtains because it did not rule out the curtains caught fire.

4. To maximize a small kitchen area, can be circumvented by putting items that are large and high at the end. Consider laying of electricity and avoid the cord to keep the heat generated from a variety of electronic goods in the kitchen. Structuring electrical wiring must be done carefully to avoid splashing water and convenient short circuit.

5. If have a kitchen area that is wide enough, it could not hurt to put a cooking area in the middle of the room and overlooks the living room as it is often found in restaurants in Japan, where guests can see the process of cooking. In this way, while cooking you can still notice the child at play, especially if you have small children.

Be sure to always clean your kitchen every week. Cleanliness is the heart of the kitchen.

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Choosing the Right Roof for Your Home

Choosing the right roof, is the important aspect in making a nice home.
In the rainy season like this, precarious leaking is the problems that often occur. Necessary strategy is important in choosing tiles, so that the same problems do not happen again.

Currently, this type of residential roof tiles as the market is very diverse, ranging from the color, size, and price. If you are not observant, it is not impossible that the new tiles will be purchased easily broken, or when installed does not match the tiles are installed. To find out how to choose a good precarious, there are some easy ways to find out.
Choosing the Right Roof for Your Home
First, a good critical point is that it should have a bright colors

Secondly, it needs to be done in buying tiles is to knock on. Knock precarious slowly, make sure the sound is tinny. Also, make sure every corner tiles to be purchased has a neat angle and equally.

So if it can be matched later spliced ​​to one another

Critical manufacturing processes have different time. The longer the process or oven baked tiles, the result will be better. And combustion duration factors will influence the selling price of tiles

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

10 Tips for Organizing Kitchen

You need kitchen to cook something for your family. Kitchen should be clean and comfortable to use. KITCHEN is one important element in a house. In this place, the process of cooking and the washing done so we need a good arrangement to be fit for use.

Most of the time spent in the kitchen. Automatically, you need some ideas to spruce up the kitchen so unsightly. To organize the kitchen, consider a few tips, as reported Timesofindia following:

1. Make your kitchen space more efficiently, consider starting from the drawer, shelf, until the cabinet.

2. Store spices in a container placed facing out. Sort or classify according alphabet so you can easily pick up when in a hurry. Discard herbs when it is not scented.

Tips for Organizing Kitchen
3. If your kitchen does not have a lot of space, replace them with baskets or plastic boxes to store stuff or condiment. As a result, you will have a wider space to arrange.

4. Discard or hibahkan cook books that are no longer used routinely.

5. To be more easily arranged, put a plate on the table along with the container.

6. Consider a different table heights, especially if the height of family members tend to differ sharply.

7. Put the extra garbage bags near bags of garbage that is being used so that it can be used when the trash is excessive.

8. By having a lot of space in the kitchen, you'll have extra room to move around in it. Do not be tempted to fill all the shelves and drawers with new cookware.

9. Choose cabinets with drawers that easily slide out so that it easier to find things when in a hurry.

10. When cleaning the interior and exterior surface of the furniture in the kitchen, do not use abrasives, acetone, and furniture polish. Because these materials cause rapid deterioration of furniture, so just use a washcloth.

Always remember to clean up your kitchen regularly.

Tips on Arranging a Narrow Living Room

The living room is the determinant of your personality. If you look cheerful, your living room must looks cheerful, if you are professional, your living room should looks professional. The living room is the determinant and the first impression of the overall assessment. If the living room does not look neat, then the assessment will immediately assume the occupants of the house had character like that. For those of you who do not happen to have a large enough living room, do not be discouraged. To achieve a comfortable living room, it not only requires foresight, but also finesse and intelligence.
Tips on Arranging a Narrow Living Room
Sleek Furniture
The first thing to do, is to determine what type of furniture and accessories that will be used. Try to choose a sofa, table and chairs are medium size with a design that is uncomplicated (simple). Furniture that is symmetrical and not a lot of ornaments, will reduce excessive impression. If necessary, seek the kind of furniture that is sleek and compact. Can also use two sofas with transparent glass table, wooden chairs or rattan sleek design.

Color composition commensurate
Combine paint the walls of the living room with accessories such existing support diruangan. Find colors that match the type of furniture. Mix and match the composition of the room, is one way to add to the atmosphere more beautiful. The combination of colors and materials used, sometimes adding a living room feel more alive. Through color uniformity, is expected to be relatively narrow room seem relieved.

Perform iridescence
Impression of relief also can be tricked by a game of soft colors, such as white, beige, ivory, yellow, lime and turquoise. These colors are generally easily combined with various types of furniture. In order to give a touch more dynamic and visually appealing, you can add bright colors, like red or lime green.

Use small accessories
In addition, arrange accessories in the living room that is not blocking traffic and safe for children. Do not place a rack or large cabinets in your cramped living room. Just use small accessories that match the color of the room, if you want to create a mini living room becomes more beautiful.

Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Feng Shui For Garden

Feng Shui is also applicable for your garden. Fengshui scope is all things, including a garden. Fengshui for garden will maintain the harmony of your garden, your home, and mother nature.

If a macro scale is said that the forests are the lungs of the world, then the micro scale, the garden in a home is also a feature in which the process of filtration and rejuvenation of energy going on every day. The garden is planned and cared for properly can increase the energy of  its inhabitants many times over, and vice versa in the park that are not maintained and are made without regard to the rules of feng shui is not likely turn around cause various problems and difficulties that are not desirable. Here are some tips that you can use for planning and structuring the park.
The core concept of the structuring and planning of the park as a whole is to create balance and positioning / placement of the right, which means there is no one thing that is made or placed in excess and too dominating each other unnatural, and also placed in accordance with the element represented by correctly so as not to weaken. For example, placement of water features (such as ponds) in a park is a good thing and commonly used, but if the pool includes more than 30% of the land then the excess energy of cold water can negatively affect residents. Similarly, the placement of various type ornaments sculptures and statues in the park, the placement of symbols incorrectly may cause a positive energy in the house becomes disturbed and gives undesirable results.

Some points that need attention include:
- Lighting or intensity of light entering the park, some homeowners choose to plant trees with the potential to grow up to lush gives coolness, but the total enclosed garden by the foliage is too dense that sunlight is not difficult to get a good option, give space for sunlight to reach and illuminate the ground for sufficient growth energy.

- Flow parks or 'path', use curves that provide opportunities for energy to flow slowly, avoid straight lines and too long, because the energy flow will be too fast and dispersed at the end of the path. Improve indentation lines by planting vegetation on the right and left in order to smooth the flow of the energy flow.

- Plants in front gardens can be particularly useful as a 'shield' the threat of destructive energy that comes from the environment around the house, such as the house is on a busy road that passing vehicles, then the threat of excess energy from the highway can be prevented or neutralized by using plants 'fence', which is a plant that can grow up to 1.5 meters, such as bamboo. Hedgerows is known to reduce and disperse the negative energy that has the potential to get into the house. Bamboo plants also recognized his usefulness as a plant that could provide protection against various types of threats from other people's good intentions.

- Have the trees 'big' located at the back of the house symbolizes stability and support, but make sure that the trees do not grow much higher than the roof of the house, we've seen some houses that have the potential to plant trees grow vertically straight up to 10-15 meter, and this is a poor choice

- The use of ornamental sculptures or statues in the garden area. The placement of the statue would be good if the shape and character of the sculpture has meaning and symbolism as desired. For example, do not put a statue or sculpture that symbolizes much violence or carrying weapons. For the purpose of the life of love, cupid or a cupid statue can be put in the garden, but note that the direction of the bow should not lead to a house or room. The placement of the statue that is a symbol of a particular religion is also worth noting, (for the record, in the western world is becoming a trend to place a statue of Buddha that symbolizes the symbol of tranquility, concentration, wisdom and creativity in the area of ​​their garden), a type of statue placement needs to get position ' special 'place it in an area that is relatively higher than around the park, and do not be placed near the area wc / shower.

- Selection of colors will affect the energy intensity also represents, who will interact well with residents of the elements themselves. For example, red is the color with high energy, and symbolizes romance, red is commonly found in many flowers, but there are also plants with leaf patterned red the dominant color. The element of fire they themselves would do well to strengthen its elements to maintain flowers or red-leaved plants, in the area / sector of their fortune in the park.

Midpost break: If you meet difficulties in applicating Fengshui for garden, better to ask a Professional Feng Shui advisor in your town. Feng shui, a harmonization with nature.

- Features a pond, fish pond became a favorite of many home owners in the park, because it provides a dynamic energy that gives flow profit, but keep in mind to not put this feature in the pool area will obviously put out the fire because the fire energy, with the exception of the elements a person has a negative interaction with fire, then put the water in this sector will reduce the adverse effects of the elements. To prevent stagnation of the water feature, a handy pump may be placed either a filter or pump the water into a small fountain and limited, avoid decoration fountain or stream of water on the stone wall that runs so hard and making a sound too loud, even heard from the other end a house, because rather than a positive influence, the sound and the flow is too hard will damage the energy of the garden / house. For decorating the flow of water, better use of water drops decorate a tiered so that gradually more gently.

- Lights can be used also as a tool to provide extra energy fengshui, particularly to strengthen the fire energy. we can obtain many kinds of garden lights at your local electronics store.

- Furniture or decorations of wood is useful to enhance the wood element in the garden, such as garden chairs, gazebos, pet cages, wooden partitions, and so forth.

- Large rocks and stones sprinkling represent elements of earth, boulders are also known to be a symbol of retaining wealth, to survive in a land. Given there are practitioners who deliberately put a large stone in the area of ​​the rear door of the house as a drag flow of prosperity.

- Form a good statue to be placed in the rear area of ​​the house include a statue of a turtle, three-legged frog statue, statues symbolize couples who love fish sculptures spouting water, meditation pose statue, a statue of the god of love, a statue of a pair of swans, and a statue of the animal form representing the zodiac (the pose a quiet and non-threatening), so do not display a statue of a tiger ready to pounce even when you are a tiger shio , or a statue of a horse that was standing / kick and although you are a horse shio.

Happy gardening, Hopefully useful.
Please feel free to give a comment about fengshui and gardening

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Living Room - Home Altar

Living Room is a place you should relax yourself after any activities. This place should be as comfortable as possible and makes yourself and family can relax after a very hard day at work. What you need to do to improve your Living Room? Should you buy a new sofa? Should you ask a Fengshui master?

Here You will find some interesting concept about how to build up your living room. You will feel your home like a heaven that can relax yourself so deeply and makes you can forget all your problems in your life. Usually, people choose natural color like white or brown for their livingroom, that's nice. You will feel good with that color.

Soft Brown Living Room - Home AltarQuality Red Living Room - Home Altar

Ideal Living Room - Home AltarCool Living Room - Home Altar

Nobody wants to live not happy. Your living room is a reflection of yourself, what is in your mind. Living room should be the place you feel good and can enjoy any activities together with your family. The size should be big and can accommodate the need of all family. There is nobody can interfere you in your living room.

Comfortable Living Room - Home AltarFresh Living Room - Home Altar

Nice Living Room - Home Altar

Tips from Fengshui master:
1. Better to place your living room in the half front of your home. If you have a home, and imagine you split it, front and rear. Place it in front area.
2. Place the guest room in the front part of your home
3. Place kitchen in the back part of your home
4. Don't place the main door facing the Bathroom, Stairs, or pile
5. Dining room should be in the center of your home. This will make your relationship to be more harmony.