Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

The Forgettable When Organizing a Kitchen

Kitchen is the place place you will prepare the food for the family. You need to be comfortable in your kitchen. Speaking about the arrangement of the kitchen never ends. This area is often overlooked, but is at the heart of life of residents. Various methods have been undertaken so that the kitchen is no longer a place untouched  by beauty. Not only consider the beauty, safety and convenience factor also plays an important role to organize the kitchen. But can not be denied, there are still things that go unnoticed because they are trivial but also play a role to make the kitchen more comfortable, such as:
The Forgettable When Organizing a Kitchen
1. If there is a window in the kitchen, put the sink under it so that when you wash you can be "entertained" with the scenery outside the window.

2. Do not place electronic equipment in the corner of the kitchen's table because it can inhibit the heat to not go out. Make sure that ventilation have an adequate air and light to create a healthy kitchen, since this area has a high level of humidity so as to facilitate the emergence of the fungus. But some may find the kitchen just like a closed-box, without opening a window is enough. The air be hot and uncomfortable to enjoy the process of cooking. To get around this, install an exhaust fan can be selected to help repel moisture.

3. Do not place the stove under a window with curtains because it did not rule out the curtains caught fire.

4. To maximize a small kitchen area, can be circumvented by putting items that are large and high at the end. Consider laying of electricity and avoid the cord to keep the heat generated from a variety of electronic goods in the kitchen. Structuring electrical wiring must be done carefully to avoid splashing water and convenient short circuit.

5. If have a kitchen area that is wide enough, it could not hurt to put a cooking area in the middle of the room and overlooks the living room as it is often found in restaurants in Japan, where guests can see the process of cooking. In this way, while cooking you can still notice the child at play, especially if you have small children.

Be sure to always clean your kitchen every week. Cleanliness is the heart of the kitchen.

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