Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Allocating Your Dining Room

The existence of the dining room is now not limited only to the interests of food and drink. This increases the area of ​​the function into the chamber together with family or colleagues. To meet this additional functionality, the dining room needs to be processed in order to perform more optimally comfortable and relaxed.

The proximity of the dining room with pantry often done for reasons to support the functions and activities. How to optimize your dining room? Here are some things that might inspire you when you process the dining 

1. The dining room and pantry in the area
Room Grouping by proximity of function makes ​​dining event even more special . Circulation of residents currently serving and clearing the food becomes much smoother. Typically, in order to differentiate the function, it is given a bulkhead between the pantry and the dining room. This insulation can be a mini bar, shelf or the imaginary bulkhead of ceiling limit.
Allocating Your Dining Room
2. The dining room is open plan concept in an apartment
Because the room is quite limited in the apartment, then the formal barrier between the room is abolished. However, even this limited space "force" you do not build a massive bulkhead. The concept of open plan apartment makes you move freely here and there. You can go to the kitchen, dining room, and other rooms just steps away. Alternates between room function can be done by playing with the theme of each room or the choice of furniture choices.

3. The dining room in small house
Limitations in a tiny house made ​​the dining room into one with a family room. Separation of function space can be characterized by the placement of furniture. The sofa in the living room facing the TV, also serves as a barrier between diningroom and family room. Dining chairs are made to avoid television. Laying a different direction on this furniture is a simple step to distinguish the activity of two rooms. Or any other way to play the semi-height of the floor or level.

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Tips on Cleaning your BedRoom

The bedroom is one of the most private place in the house. In this place, we can relax and release the fatigue.

Therefore, the cleanliness and tidiness of the bedroom ought to stay awake. However, rushing out of the house and feel lazy sometimes makes us overlook the cleanliness and neatness of the bedroom.

Dirty clothes and dust off the furniture was unnoticed. Inevitably, this reduces the comfort in the bedroom.

Now, at the close, it could not hurt to re-arrange your bedroom. Here's an easy way to clean the bedroom within 15 minutes
Tips on Cleaning your BedRoom
1. Prepare equipment and Purifier
Collect all equipment and cleaning equipment before starting your work. It makes you to be more focused and clean the room to prevent disruption of concentration in the middle of the job.

2. Put all dirty clothes in the hamper
When you're in a hurry, do not worry about smoothing underwear or socks. Take all the dirty clothes strewn across the room and put it into the basket.

3. Fold or hang clothes back clean
Take clean clothes scattered in the bedroom. If the amount is too much, you can fold it and hang it back in the closet.

4. Collect all trash and dispose
This is not the time for you to get confused which one to choose a magazine or store discarded old shoes to be repaired. No need to sort through the items in a box or cupboard. Simply throw objects really rubbish.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Do It Yourself - Making a Chair

Wood is one of the good material for the manufacture of chairs and tables. Besides wood, many chairs and tables are made ​​of plastic, rubber, metal and so on. But in this case I will discuss about the chairs and tables that made ​​of wood.

Expected result after you read this: you understand the steps in the manufacture of a chair or table.

Materials and objects for the practice:
· Wood beams, the rest of creation of windows frame
· A piece of Board

The equipment will be used:
1. Chainsaws and Rasp
2. Planer
3. Elbow Shaped Ruler
4. Pencil / Any other markers
5. Meter / gauge
6. Wood Chisel in any sizes
Wooden Chair and Wooden Tble Set
Making procedures:
1. Prepare all ingredients and equipment to be used in a state of sharp and ready for use
2. Use Planers on materials / objects of practice (timber) to be used
3. Cut the wood or materials
4. Make a connection plan
· Make a hole in the block that will be the connection using a chisel, size of ± 1cm.
· Bring the wood as the chair's legs to be connected to the board and attach the boards over the chair's legs and into  the rear seat and backrest
5. In order to make the seat stronger, connections of the chair/table should be nailed using wooden pegs and glue
6. Use Sandpaper across the wood that has formed a chair or table. Use putty when needed.
7. To beautify the chair after Sandpapered, the chair should be painted table or polished
8. After the paint dried, the chair / table is ready for use
9. Work finished. Cleans all the equipment has been used and stores according to the place

5 Most Important Factor for Buying Home

Everybody needs home, this is a human need, a comfortable home the better for your life. If you are comfortable with your home, it will be a harmony life for you.
Buying a home is an important decision and a big decision in life. In it, we will stay with loved ones and spend most of the time in life. For that, choose a house can not be arbitrary, careful thought should be done and in-depth investigation.

Of the many considerations to be made, these four important factors that must be a priority when buying a home, as reported by Helium and About.

Important Factor for Buying Home

1. Location, Location, Location
The first three things that must be considered when buying a home are location, location and location. You can live in a house that is not a dream house even if you and your family like environment and fit in with the neighbors. For business houses less than perfect, you can renovate it but when it comes to the environment, you certainly can not change it. When looking for a home, consider ease of access to the workplace and school children, the hospitality of neighbors, how the position of the house, the activities in the environment, traffic, access to parks, public transport shopping too.

2. Price
Not only the price of the house, but also the costs incurred during the home buying and selling process, and once you occupy. Starting from the cost of buying and selling certificates, land title, notary fees, cost under the name (for example, buy a house from someone else), property tax, mortgage (if any), and so forth. Make sure you budget enough for all those costs. So when buying a home, do not just consider the price but also displayed physical costs associated with obtaining legal.

3. Property values ​​in the Present and the Future
Notice if there is the prospect of house prices will soar in the future? Or stagnate and even decline? Is the location of the house is potentially affected by the eviction of a government project? If yes, how about the compensation to be awarded (if the house should be demolished for the construction of toll roads, and so on). Find out as much information about it so you do not lose money. When about the future there will be more negative than positive, you should consider again to buy a house and be looking for a more long-term investment prospective.

4. Soil Conditions The House Built
Note the structure of the building, whether done by a highly reputable construction company? Also focus attention on building terrain, whether the land is fairly stable and does not contain any mud or other environmental factors that could have a negative impact on the security of the house in the future? What kind of soil under the building? You may also need to check the condition of the land if planning to make a garden in the yard. Check if there are toxic or harmful chemicals that may be contained in the soil. This is quite important, especially if there are family members who are easily allergic or have health problems.

5. Public Facilities Around the Home
If you are a newly married couple and are planning to have children, consider the location of playgrounds and schools. Is your home close enough and affordable to educational institutions? It is important to think about the convenience and security of a toddler or preschool and elementary age children that is not too far away at school. Consider also the ease of transportation, the house should be in a pass or close to public transportation, or at least convenient access.

Remember to be careful in selecting of many options. Ask your wife and kids if they like the home or not. Home will be the most comfortable place to spend days. Be one with it, be comfortable with it.

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Fengshui for Kitchen

One factor of concern in Feng Shui style layout is the kitchen. The kitchen is a point of prosperity in the lives of its inhabitants, especially the location of the stove is the heart of the kitchen area. Do you remember the phrase "looking for work in order to keep the kitchen ngebul" or "looking for a bite of rice"? Both expressions are closely related to the function of the kitchen. In fact, if you notice, the quantity of the contents of the fridge can be an indicator of a person's financial arrangement and neatness it can symbolize the personality of its inhabitants.

Some tips for structuring the kitchen:
Confronted stove, oven, electric rice cooker, or microwave, to one lucky direction.

Stove should not face each other in a straight line or adjacent to the sink, or other water elements. The element of fire and water are conflicting elements and cause vibration is not good.
Fengshui for Kitchen
Avoid water pipe (clean / dirty) across the stove area.
Place rice should always be closed and should never die out. This method is an attempt to sustain the energy that has been stable.
Do not display the paintings of water.
Do not put pictures of the family. The kitchen has a very strong energy and affects the family.
Do not display the ferocious animal paintings.
Do not put the kitchen in a central location. It's become a source of harm because it will spread to all sectors.

Do not display a mirror in the kitchen.
Position the stove should not face / adjacent to the kitchen door. This will result in the doors motion energy can destabilize the burner elements relating to the financial condition of the household.

Position the stove should not be under a concrete beam.
The kitchen should not be under the toilet floor 2.
The kitchen door should not face the toilet.
Make sure the stove works fine and always clean, because it is an indicator of your finances.
Avoid the use of materials like stone or marble for kitchen counter (in particular stove area). The use of ceramic material is better for the soil to support the energy which is useful to increase the energy of the earth for all who eat and energizes wealth.
Avoid laying the kitchen area in the northern sector of the house. The northern sector of the compass or the direction of the wind is the seat of the element of water.

Some positions taboo associated with the kitchen:
Bedrooms should NOT be above or adjacent to the kitchen area, especially the position of the bed is not recommended when positioned directly above the stove downstairs. For those who already paired certainly will disrupt domestic harmony. For those not in pairs would be difficult to get a companion as likely to have an unstable emotion.
Fengshui for Kitchen
The family room is also not recommended in the kitchen area. Very strong fire element generated by the stove would disrupt family harmony.
Kitchen counter or pantry is NOT recommended under or adjacent to the stairway. Supposing, the results of our efforts should be useful not useful due to the movement of trampling footsteps climbing the stairs. Logically, dirt or dust generated would be very easy to get into the food, so many germs infected.
Not a few people who are reluctant to touch the kitchen, even the kitchen is often a neglected part. Let us start paying attention to your kitchen regardless of size large or small. Use adequate lighting for your kitchen and clean up immediately food that has expired or leftover food. Display fresh flowers and fresh fruit as a symbol of prosperity in your kitchen area, both large and small kitchen as a point of prosperity, financial stability and the "heart" of the home. If the house is described as "the body", what happens when the heart does not function properly?

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

How to Keep your Bathroom Clean and Nice

Bathroom should be clean and looks nice. A good person will always clean his/her bathroom. Perform routine maintenance of the bathroom. At least two bathrooms routine maintenance activities to be carried out, namely the daily care and great cleaning once a week.

1. Daily care.
Scrubbing walls and floor bathroom with carbolic acid or other cleaning fluid. After that, rinse with clean water so that no dirt or moss which already accumulated and difficult to clean.
Use the cleaning fluid taste. When excessive spoilage bacteria in drains and septic tanks will die so that the decay process impurities not function properly. As a result, you will be hampered drainage, full speed, and so on. Whenever possible, choose environmentally friendly cleaning fluid, odorless, and non-fatal bacterial decay in the drains.


2. Includes major cleaning once a week to clean the toilet and the tub drain water.
Toilet, pour a little bleach into the toilet bowl, or drizzle with powdered cleanser appropriate, brush with a toilet brush. After that, rinse the toilet brush with hot soapy water. Clean the toilet seat with disinfectant fluid, flush with water.
Tub of water, when there is the dirty, flush with water as hot as possible for a few seconds for easy cleaning, and brush, rinse thoroughly and dry. You can also use liquid permbersih, depending on the material the tub.
Tap water, scrub with a cleanser for stainless steel, rinse with hot water. Wipe the faucet to dry. When not in use the old taps, circulate hot water, allow a few minutes before use.