Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Fengshui for Kitchen

One factor of concern in Feng Shui style layout is the kitchen. The kitchen is a point of prosperity in the lives of its inhabitants, especially the location of the stove is the heart of the kitchen area. Do you remember the phrase "looking for work in order to keep the kitchen ngebul" or "looking for a bite of rice"? Both expressions are closely related to the function of the kitchen. In fact, if you notice, the quantity of the contents of the fridge can be an indicator of a person's financial arrangement and neatness it can symbolize the personality of its inhabitants.

Some tips for structuring the kitchen:
Confronted stove, oven, electric rice cooker, or microwave, to one lucky direction.

Stove should not face each other in a straight line or adjacent to the sink, or other water elements. The element of fire and water are conflicting elements and cause vibration is not good.
Fengshui for Kitchen
Avoid water pipe (clean / dirty) across the stove area.
Place rice should always be closed and should never die out. This method is an attempt to sustain the energy that has been stable.
Do not display the paintings of water.
Do not put pictures of the family. The kitchen has a very strong energy and affects the family.
Do not display the ferocious animal paintings.
Do not put the kitchen in a central location. It's become a source of harm because it will spread to all sectors.

Do not display a mirror in the kitchen.
Position the stove should not face / adjacent to the kitchen door. This will result in the doors motion energy can destabilize the burner elements relating to the financial condition of the household.

Position the stove should not be under a concrete beam.
The kitchen should not be under the toilet floor 2.
The kitchen door should not face the toilet.
Make sure the stove works fine and always clean, because it is an indicator of your finances.
Avoid the use of materials like stone or marble for kitchen counter (in particular stove area). The use of ceramic material is better for the soil to support the energy which is useful to increase the energy of the earth for all who eat and energizes wealth.
Avoid laying the kitchen area in the northern sector of the house. The northern sector of the compass or the direction of the wind is the seat of the element of water.

Some positions taboo associated with the kitchen:
Bedrooms should NOT be above or adjacent to the kitchen area, especially the position of the bed is not recommended when positioned directly above the stove downstairs. For those who already paired certainly will disrupt domestic harmony. For those not in pairs would be difficult to get a companion as likely to have an unstable emotion.
Fengshui for Kitchen
The family room is also not recommended in the kitchen area. Very strong fire element generated by the stove would disrupt family harmony.
Kitchen counter or pantry is NOT recommended under or adjacent to the stairway. Supposing, the results of our efforts should be useful not useful due to the movement of trampling footsteps climbing the stairs. Logically, dirt or dust generated would be very easy to get into the food, so many germs infected.
Not a few people who are reluctant to touch the kitchen, even the kitchen is often a neglected part. Let us start paying attention to your kitchen regardless of size large or small. Use adequate lighting for your kitchen and clean up immediately food that has expired or leftover food. Display fresh flowers and fresh fruit as a symbol of prosperity in your kitchen area, both large and small kitchen as a point of prosperity, financial stability and the "heart" of the home. If the house is described as "the body", what happens when the heart does not function properly?

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