Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Do It Yourself - Making a Chair

Wood is one of the good material for the manufacture of chairs and tables. Besides wood, many chairs and tables are made ​​of plastic, rubber, metal and so on. But in this case I will discuss about the chairs and tables that made ​​of wood.

Expected result after you read this: you understand the steps in the manufacture of a chair or table.

Materials and objects for the practice:
· Wood beams, the rest of creation of windows frame
· A piece of Board

The equipment will be used:
1. Chainsaws and Rasp
2. Planer
3. Elbow Shaped Ruler
4. Pencil / Any other markers
5. Meter / gauge
6. Wood Chisel in any sizes
Wooden Chair and Wooden Tble Set
Making procedures:
1. Prepare all ingredients and equipment to be used in a state of sharp and ready for use
2. Use Planers on materials / objects of practice (timber) to be used
3. Cut the wood or materials
4. Make a connection plan
· Make a hole in the block that will be the connection using a chisel, size of ± 1cm.
· Bring the wood as the chair's legs to be connected to the board and attach the boards over the chair's legs and into  the rear seat and backrest
5. In order to make the seat stronger, connections of the chair/table should be nailed using wooden pegs and glue
6. Use Sandpaper across the wood that has formed a chair or table. Use putty when needed.
7. To beautify the chair after Sandpapered, the chair should be painted table or polished
8. After the paint dried, the chair / table is ready for use
9. Work finished. Cleans all the equipment has been used and stores according to the place

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